- If it has to do with other countries or their people, it is foreign, like a French movie receiving a British award for Best Foreign Film.
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- adj. 外国的;陌生的
1. a foreign accent, a foreign language, a foreign student
2. a foreign-owned company
3. foreign holidays
4. You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed.
5. foreign affairs, foreign news, foreign policy, foreign trade
6. foreign aid
7. Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.
- foreign (adj.) c. 1300, ferren, foran, foreyne, in reference to places, "outside the boundaries of a country;" of persons, "born in another country," from Old French forain "strange, foreign; outer, external, outdoor; remote, out-of-the-way" (12c.), from Medieval Latin foraneus "on the outside, exterior," from Latin foris (adv.) "outside," literally "out of doors," related to foris "a door," from PIE *dhwor-ans-, suffixed form of root *dhwer- "door, doorway."
for·eign ★ / ˈfɒrən ; NAmE ˈfɔːrən ; ˈfɑːrən / adjective 1 ★ in or from a country that is not your own 外国的 ◆ a foreign accent/language/student 外国口音╱语言╱学生 ◆ a foreign-owned company 外资公司 ◆ foreign holidays 外国假日 ◆ You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed. 从她的穿着就可以看出她是外国人。 2 ★ [only before noun ] dealing with or involving other countries 涉外的;外交的 ◆ foreign affairs/news/policy/trade 外交事务;外国新闻;对外政策╱贸易 ◆ foreign aid 外援 ◆ a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in newspapers or on television) 驻外记者 OPP domestic , home 3 foreignto sb/sth ( formal) not typical of sb/sth; not known to sb/sth and therefore seeming strange 非典型的;陌生的 ◆ Dishonesty is foreign to his nature. 弄虚作假并非他的本性。 4 ~ object/body ( formal) an object that has entered sth by accident and should not be there 异物;异体 ◆ Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies. 眼泪有助于保护眼睛去除可能有害的异物。 for·eign / ˈfɒrən ; NAmE ˈfɔːrən ; ˈfɑːrən /
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