forcefully ['fɔrsfəli]  


forcefully  ['fɔrsfəli]

adv. 强有力地;激烈地;有说服力地 

We can now only hope that Mr. Obama will use his 2010 budget proposal, which he unveils this week, to forcefully press his broader economic agenda. 如今,我们只能指望奥巴马将会使用他这次星期公布的2010的预算方案来强有力地拓宽他的经济议事日程。
But the authorities responded forcefully and China's economy returned to very strong growth quite quickly. And so the trends in place up to the middle of 2008 had resumed within a year. 后来出现危机,中国经济突然放慢,但由于当局强有力的反应,中国经济相当快的恢复强劲增长,因此到2008中期转好的趋势持续到全年。

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  • adv. 强有力地;激烈地;有说服力地
  • 1. We can now only hope that Mr. Obama will use his 2010 budget proposal, which he unveils this week, to forcefully press his broader economic agenda.


  • 2. But the authorities responded forcefully and China's economy returned to very strong growth quite quickly. And so the trends in place up to the middle of 2008 had resumed within a year.


  • 3. This is why we have to forcefully stop these projects, to protect the villagers.


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