foolishness 美['fʊlɪʃnɪs]  


foolishness  美['fʊlɪʃnɪs]

n. 愚蠢;可笑 


There's none of that "what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours" foolishness. 像"你的就是我的,我的就是你的"之类的愚蠢的观点完全不存在。
A man can accomplish much when the woman he loves supports him, even if she believes that what he does is foolishness. 一个男人在他爱的女人支持他时能取得更大的成就,即使她认为他所做的是很愚蠢的。

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  • n. 愚蠢;可笑
  • 1. There's none of that "what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours" foolishness.


  • 2. A man can accomplish much when the woman he loves supports him, even if she believes that what he does is foolishness.


  • 3. If the foolishness of Congress setting corporate pay levels is an old lesson, the financial crisis is teaching some new ones to shareholders.


  • foolishness (n.) late 15c., "quality of being foolish," from foolish + -ness. From 1530s as "a foolish practice."
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