fool's gold  

fool's gold

fool's gold 

phrase. [矿物] 黄铁矿 

To that end, Wadia and his colleagues found that iron pyrite—better known as fool's gold—was several orders of magnitude better than any of the alternatives, based on both cost and abundance. 为了这一目的,瓦迪亚和他的同事们发现硫化铁--- 俗称傻瓜金,从储量及价格上优于其它任何替代材料几个数量级之多。
Biting down on a hunk of metal is more likely something someone might have done during the Gold Rush to test whether the shiny golden rock they just panned for was actually pyrite or fool's gold. 对着金属大力的咬下去,这更像是淘金热时期的人做的事情,目的是测试刚淘出来的金光闪闪的石块是否只是黄铁矿或(或者叫愚人金)。

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  • phrase. [矿物] 黄铁矿
  • 1. To that end, Wadia and his colleagues found that iron pyrite—better known as fool's gold—was several orders of magnitude better than any of the alternatives, based on both cost and abundance.

    为了这一目的,瓦迪亚和他的同事们发现硫化铁--- 俗称傻瓜金,从储量及价格上优于其它任何替代材料几个数量级之多。

  • 2. Biting down on a hunk of metal is more likely something someone might have done during the Gold Rush to test whether the shiny golden rock they just panned for was actually pyrite or fool's gold.


  • 3. Fool's Gold tells how a team at J. P. Morgan popularized credit derivatives, then pulled back worriedly just before the rest of the banking world was nearly destroyed by them.


ˌfool's ˈgold / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] 1 a yellow mineral found in rock, which looks like gold but is not valuable, also called iron pyrites 愚人金(指黄铁矿) see also pyrites 2 something that you think is valuable or will earn you a lot of money, but which has no chance of succeeding 虚幻的摇钱树 ˌfool's ˈgold / ; NAmE /
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