food mixer 英 [fu:d ˈmɪksə]   美 [fud ˈmɪksɚ]

food mixer

food mixer  英 [fu:d ˈmɪksə] 美 [fud ˈmɪksɚ]

phrase. 食品搅拌器 

He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen. 他出了个 纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。
The main products are: food mixer, blender, electric fan, electric iron etc plastic accessories, fine hardware products. 本公司主要经营:生活小家电,食物搅拌器,榨汁机,电熨斗,应急灯,电风扇等塑料配件,精细五金制品。

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  • phrase. 食品搅拌器
  • 1. He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen.

    他出了个 纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。

  • 2. The main products are: food mixer, blender, electric fan, electric iron etc plastic accessories, fine hardware products.


  • 3. The governing party in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu has said it will provide all households in the state with free food mixer if it's voted back into power.

    印度南部Tamil Nadu省执政党表示,如果他们在投票中能够重新掌管权利,他们将为该省所有家庭免费提供食物搅拌器。

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