floored 美[flɔrd]  


floored  美[flɔrd]

adj. 铺有地板的  v. 在…上铺地板;击倒(floor的过去分词) 

I include her on the list as a nod to the youngsters, and because when I first saw her I was floored. 我将她归入榜单以此向年轻人示意,也是因为我第一次看到她时就很吃惊。
The three "were floored" by the results, she says, as much for what they showed as what they didn't show. 她说:“我们三个被结果难住了。” ,他们所公布的结果和没有公布的结果一样多。

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  • adj. 铺有地板的
  • v. 在…上铺地板;击倒(floor的过去分词)
  • 1. I include her on the list as a nod to the youngsters, and because when I first saw her I was floored.


  • 2. The three "were floored" by the results, she says, as much for what they showed as what they didn't show.

    她说:“我们三个被结果难住了。” ,他们所公布的结果和没有公布的结果一样多。

  • 3. It was a lime-washed, stone-floored room, unspeakably dreary with its furniture of deal boards and benches, and its prison smell.


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