flood plain  

flood plain

flood plain 

phrase. 泛滥平原,冲积平原;[地理] 河漫滩 

名词复数:flood plains 

According to a 2003 letter to Science by Wuhan University ecologist Ping Xie, many of these fish evolved over time with the Yangtze flood plain. 2003年,武汉大学的生态学家谢平(音)写信给《科学》杂志,信中指出,很多鱼类已经随着长江冲积平原的形成而进化。
Sited on a flood plain, the Flemish-speaking west of the country is as flat as a proverbial pancake and cycle lanes and cyclists are everywhere. 比利时西部是冲积平原,像平底锅一样一马平川,到处是自行车道和车手,这里讲的是佛兰芒语。

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  • phrase. 泛滥平原,冲积平原;[地理] 河漫滩
  • 1. According to a 2003 letter to Science by Wuhan University ecologist Ping Xie, many of these fish evolved over time with the Yangtze flood plain.


  • 2. Sited on a flood plain, the Flemish-speaking west of the country is as flat as a proverbial pancake and cycle lanes and cyclists are everywhere.


  • 3. Public interest litigation has threatened to slow down some construction, such as the Olympic Village being built in the flood plain of the Yamuna River.


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