flood out  

flood out

flood out 

phrase. 因洪水而被迫离开 

Of course, capital that floods into a country can flood out of it. 当然,涌入一国的资本也能大规模地撤出这个国家。
Alcohol can inhibit the more thoughtful functioning and allow anger to flood out. 酒精能更大程度的抑制思考功能从而使愤怒爆发出来。

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  • phrase. 因洪水而被迫离开
  • 1. Of course, capital that floods into a country can flood out of it.


  • 2. Alcohol can inhibit the more thoughtful functioning and allow anger to flood out.


  • 3. As peoples life improves , they flood out to the west to visit , study or do business .


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