flit 英 [flɪt]   美 [flɪt]


flit  英 [flɪt] 美 [flɪt]

vi. 掠过;轻快地飞;移居  n. 轻快的飞行;搬家 

进行时:flitting  过去式:flitted  过去分词:flitted  第三人称单数:flits  名词复数:flits 

You watch your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions flit through your mind without getting involved. 你看着你的念头、感知和情绪掠过你的头脑而并不牵涉其中。
When it comes to complex scenes, for example, Westerners focus on central objects but East Asians also flit their eyes across the backgrounds. 比如,当人们遇到复杂的场景,西方人会专注核心的物体,而东方亚洲人的目光还是会掠过那些背景信息。

  • A flit is a quick movement. You might flit around a crowded party, greeting everyone briefly with some light-hearted chatter and moving on quickly.
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  • vi. 掠过;轻快地飞;移居
  • n. 轻快的飞行;搬家
  • 1. You watch your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions flit through your mind without getting involved.


  • 2. When it comes to complex scenes, for example, Westerners focus on central objects but East Asians also flit their eyes across the backgrounds.


  • 3. Although thoughts which flit through the mind may be good, bad, or indifferent -- mostly the latter -- the mind does not usually hold on to any one of them sufficiently long to learn its nature.


  • flit (v.) c. 1200, flitten, flytten, flutten "convey, move (a thing) from one place to another, take, carry away," also intransitive, "go away, move, migrate," from Old Norse flytja "to remove, bring," from Proto-Germanic *flutjan- "to float," from extended form of PIE root *pleu- "to flow." Intransitive sense "move lightly and swiftly" is from early 15c.; from c. 1500 as "remove from one habitation to another" (originally Northern English and Scottish)
flit / flɪt ; NAmE flɪt / verb , noun flit flits flitted flitting verb ( -tt- ) 1 [intransitive ] to move lightly and quickly from one place or thing to another 轻快地从一处到另一处;掠过 flitfrom A to B Butterflies flitted from flower to flower. 蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。 He flits from one job to another. 他频繁跳槽。 + adv./prep. A smile flitted across his face. 他脸上笑容一闪而过。 A thought flitted through my mind. 我脑海中掠过一个念头。 2 [intransitive ] ( ScotE) to change the place where you live 迁移;迁居;搬家 I had to change schools every time my parents flitted. 我父母每次迁居,我都得换学校。 noun IDIOM do a moonlight/midnight ˈflit ( BrE) ( informal) to leave a place suddenly and secretly at night, usually in order to avoid paying money that you owe to sb (通常为了躲债)夜间偷偷逃走 flit / flɪt ; NAmE flɪt /
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