flimsy 英 [ˈflɪmzi]   美 [ˈflɪmzi]


flimsy  英 [ˈflɪmzi] 美 [ˈflɪmzi]

adj. 脆弱的;浅薄的;易损坏的;不周密的  n. 薄纸;复写纸;打字纸 

名词复数:flimsies  比较级:flimsier  最高级:flimsiest 

No matter how good it looked on paper, the flying jeep’s goofy appearance gives a good indication of why such a flimsy hybrid would not do well in the heat of battle. 无论它在纸上看着有多么好,会飞的吉普的傻瓜外观给出了一个启示,为什么这样脆弱的混合物在战争最激烈的时候帮不上忙。
Though this may seem a flimsy reason to you, it is reason enough for me. 尽管这对你来说,听起来是个脆弱的借口,但对我而言,它是个足够的理由。

  • You can describe weak, thin, and fragile things as flimsy. Onion smells are strong, onion skins are flimsy. Blaming onions for making you cry during a sad movie, that's a flimsy excuse, when there are no onions in the theater.
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  • adj. 脆弱的;浅薄的;易损坏的;不周密的
  • n. 薄纸;复写纸;打字纸
  • 1. No matter how good it looked on paper, the flying jeep’s goofy appearance gives a good indication of why such a flimsy hybrid would not do well in the heat of battle.


  • 2. Though this may seem a flimsy reason to you, it is reason enough for me.


  • 3. For instance, water seems to taste better when it comes from a firmbottle rather than from a flimsy one.


  • flimsy (adj.) 1702, of unknown origin, perhaps a metathesis of film (n.) "gauzy covering" + -y (2). Figuratively (of arguments, etc.) from 1750s. Related: Flimsily; flimsiness.
flimsy / ˈflɪmzi ; NAmE ˈflɪmzi / adjective ( flim·sier , flim·si·est ) 1 badly made and not strong enough for the purpose for which it is used 劣质的;不结实的 SYN rickety a flimsy table 不结实的桌子 2 (of material 材料 ) thin and easily torn 薄而易损坏的 a flimsy piece of paper/fabric/plastic 薄薄的一张纸╱一块织物╱一片塑料 3 difficult to believe 不足信的 SYN feeble a flimsy excuse/explanation 站不住脚的借口╱解释 The evidence against him is pretty flimsy. 对他不利的证据很难站住脚。 flim·sily / ; NAmE / adverb flim·si·ness / ˈflɪmzinəs ; NAmE ˈflɪmzinəs / noun [uncountable ] flimsy flimsies flimsier flimsiest flimsy / ˈflɪmzi ; NAmE ˈflɪmzi / flim·sily / ; NAmE / flim·si·ness / ˈflɪmzinəs ; NAmE ˈflɪmzinəs /
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