flicker 英 [ˈflɪkə(r)]   美 [ˈflɪkɚ]


flicker  英 [ˈflɪkə(r)] 美 [ˈflɪkɚ]

v. 闪烁;摇曳;  n. 闪烁;闪光; 

进行时:flickering  过去式:flickered  过去分词:flickered  第三人称单数:flickers  名词复数:flickers 

The lights flickered and went out. 灯光闪了闪就熄了。
the flickering screen of the television 图像在抖动的电视荧光屏

  • To flicker is to flash on and off at random. If your computer screen is flickering right now, you are probably having trouble reading this.
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  • v. 闪烁;摇曳;
  • n. 闪烁;闪光;
  • 1. The lights flickered and went out.


  • 2. the flickering screen of the television


  • 3. Anger flickered in his eyes.


  • 4. Her eyelids flickered as she slept.


  • 5. the flicker of an eyelid


  • 6. A flicker of a smile crossed her face.


  • flicker (n.1) 1849, "wavering, unsteady light or flame;" 1857 as "a flickering," from flicker (v.).
  • flicker (n.2) type of North American woodpecker, 1808, American English, said to be echoic of bird's note, or from black spots on plumage of the underparts that seem to flicker as it flits from tree to tree.
  • flicker (v.) Old English flicorian "to flutter, flap quickly and lightly, move the wings," originally of birds. Onomatopoeic and suggestive of quick motion. Sense of "shine with a wavering light" is c. 1600, but not common till 19c. Related: Flickered; flickering.
flicker / ˈflɪkə(r) ; NAmE ˈflɪkər / verb , noun flicker flickers flickered flickering verb 1 [intransitive ] (of a light or a flame 灯光或火焰 ) to keep going on and off as it shines or burns 闪烁;闪现;忽隐忽现;摇曳 The lights flickered and went out. 灯光闪了闪就熄了。 the flickering screen of the television 图像在抖动的电视荧光屏 2 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. (of an emotion, a thought, etc. 情绪、思想等 ) to be expressed or appear somewhere for a short time 闪现;一闪而过 Anger flickered in his eyes. 他眼中闪现出一股怒火。 3 [intransitive ] to move with small quick movements 快速摆动;颤动;抖动;拍动 Her eyelids flickered as she slept. 她睡觉时眼睑不停地眨动。 noun [usually singular ] flicker(of sth) 1 a light that shines in an unsteady way (光)摇曳,闪烁,忽隐忽现 the flicker of a television/candle 电视画面的闪动;烛光的摇曳 2 a small, sudden movement with part of the body (身体部位的)小而快的动作 the flicker of an eyelid 眼睑的跳动 3 a feeling or an emotion that lasts for only a very short time (情感、情绪的)闪现,一闪而过 a flicker of hope/doubt/interest 希望╱怀疑╱兴趣的闪现 A flicker of a smile crossed her face. 她脸上闪过一丝微笑。 flicker / ˈflɪkə(r) ; NAmE ˈflɪkər /
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