flavoured 英 [ˈfleɪvəd]  


flavoured  英 [ˈfleɪvəd]

adj. 风味的;经过调味的;有…的 

When sanity dictates that you stop shoving food into your face at the buffet or dinner table, but somehow you can't seem to stop, pop mint-flavoured gum into your mouth. 当理智的指示你在小卖部或者餐桌上不要狼吞虎咽,但是不之何故你们似乎没有停下来意思,把薄荷口味的口香糖取出塞进嘴里。
"Anything that you can eat or drink can be transformed into an ice cream, " he said, who said he and his daughter would make all the flavoured ice creams without using any chemicals. 他说:“只要是能吃或者能喝的东西,都可以用来做冰淇淋”。 他说他和女儿在制作所有口味的冰淇淋时,不会添加任何化学原料。

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  • adj. 风味的;经过调味的;有…的
  • 1. When sanity dictates that you stop shoving food into your face at the buffet or dinner table, but somehow you can't seem to stop, pop mint-flavoured gum into your mouth.


  • 2. "Anything that you can eat or drink can be transformed into an ice cream, " he said, who said he and his daughter would make all the flavoured ice creams without using any chemicals.

    他说:“只要是能吃或者能喝的东西,都可以用来做冰淇淋”。 他说他和女儿在制作所有口味的冰淇淋时,不会添加任何化学原料。

  • 3. Orange is of less significance in Asia due to the propensity for lemon-flavoured iced tea as well as the strength of the unpackaged lemon still drinks segment in India,” said the spokesperson.

    橘子味在亚洲没那么受欢迎,这是因为当地人民对柠檬口味的冰茶情有独钟,同时散包装的柠檬饮料在印度非常流行。” 发言人说到。

fla·voured ( especially US fla·vored ) / ˈfleɪvəd ; NAmE ˈfleɪvərd / adjective 1 -flavoured having the type of flavour mentioned 有…味道的 lemon-flavoured sweets/candy 柠檬味糖果 2 having had flavour added to it 添加了味道的 flavoured yogurt 有添加味道的酸奶 fla·voured / ˈfleɪvəd ; NAmE ˈfleɪvərd /
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