fish 英 [fɪʃ]   美 [fɪʃ]


fish  英 [fɪʃ] 美 [fɪʃ]

v. 捕鱼,钓鱼;  n. 鱼,鱼类 

进行时:fishing  过去式:fished  过去分词:fished  第三人称单数:fishes  名词复数:fishes 

They caught several fish. 他们捉到了几条鱼。
tropical fish,marine fish,freshwater fish 热带╱海╱淡水鱼

  • A fish is a cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate with scales and gills, like a shark, a trout, or a pike. To fish is to try to catch a fish.
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  • v. 捕鱼,钓鱼;
  • n. 鱼,鱼类
  • 1. They caught several fish.


  • 2. tropical fish,marine fish,freshwater fish


  • 3. a fish tank , a fish pond


  • 4. frozen fish,smoked fish,fresh fish,


  • 5. fish pie


  • 6. Let's go fishing this weekend.


  • 7. You can fish for trout in this stream.


  • fish (n.) Old English fisc "fish," from Proto-Germanic *fiskaz (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German fisc, Old Norse fiskr, Middle Dutch visc, Dutch vis, German Fisch, Gothic fisks), from PIE root *pisk- "a fish."
  • fish (v.) Old English fiscian "to fish, to catch or try to catch fish" (cognates: Old Norse fiska, Old High German fiscon, German fischen, Gothic fiskon), from the root of fish (n.). Related: Fished; fishing.
fish / fɪʃ ; NAmE fɪʃ / noun , verb fish fishes fished fishing noun ( plural fish or fishes ) HELP  Fishis the usual plural form. The older form, fishes,can be used to refer to different kinds of fish. *fish 是通常的复数形式,较古老的形式 fishes 可用于表示不同种类的鱼。 1 [countable ] a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills,and uses finsand a tail for swimming They caught several fish. 他们捉到了几条鱼。 tropical/marine/freshwater fish 热带╱海╱淡水鱼 shoals (= groups) of fish 鱼群 a fish tank/pond 鱼缸╱池 There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world. 世界上约有 3 万种鱼。 The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes. 濒临灭绝物种的名单中列有将近 600 种鱼。 Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline. 波罗的海的鱼类资源逐渐减少。 collocationsat life see also coarse fish , flatfish , sea fish , shellfish , wet fish 2 [uncountable ] the flesh of fish eaten as food 鱼肉 frozen/smoked/fresh fish 冻╱熏╱鲜鱼 fish pie 鱼肉馅饼 IDIOMS a ˌfish out of ˈwater a person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he or she is in surroundings that are not familiar 离水之鱼;在陌生环境不得其所的人 have bigger/other fish to ˈfry to have more important or more interesting things to do 还有更重要的事情要做;另有他图 neither ˌfish nor ˈfowl neither one thing nor another 非驴非马;不伦不类 an odd/a queer ˈfish ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) a person who is slightly strange or crazy 古怪的人;有些荒唐的人 there are plenty more fish in the ˈsea there are many other people or things that are as good as the one sb has failed to get 海里的鱼有的是;还有很多一样好的(人或事物) more at big adj. , cold adj. , different , drink v. , shoot v. verb 1 [intransitive ] to try to catch fish with a hook, nets, etc. 钓鱼;捕鱼 The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland. 拖网渔船在冰岛沿海捕鱼。 fishfor sth You can fish for trout in this stream. 你可以在这条小溪钓鳟鱼。 2 [intransitive ] go fishing to spend time fishing for pleasure 钓鱼;捕鱼 Let's go fishing this weekend. 咱们这个周末去钓鱼吧。 3 [transitive ] fishsth (for sth) to try to catch fish in the area of water mentioned 在…捕鱼(或钓鱼) They fished the loch for salmon. 他们在狭长海湾里钓鲑鱼。 4 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to search for sth, using your hands 摸找 She fished around in her bag for her keys. 她在包里摸找钥匙。 PHRASAL VERBS ˈfish for sth to try to get sth, or to find out sth, although you are pretending not to 旁敲侧击地打听;转弯抹角地谋取 to fish for compliments/information 转弯抹角地谋取恭维╱打听情况 ˌfish sth/sb↔ˈout (of sth) to take or pull sth/sb out of a place (从…中)取出,拿出,拖出 She fished a piece of paper out of the pile on her desk. 她从桌上一大堆纸中抽出了一张。 They fished a dead body out of the river. 他们从河里捞起了一具尸体。 fish / fɪʃ ; NAmE fɪʃ /
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