


n. 第五;五分之几;五等品(fifth的复数) 

Despite the differences, more than half of the children surveyed by Halifax said they think they get the right amount, with only two-fifths (43%) claiming they deserved more. 虽然存在差异,但半数以上接受哈利法克斯调查的孩子认为他们获得的金额是适当的,只有五分之二 ( 43%) 声称他们应该得到更多。
Migrant workers, for example, accounted for over two-fifths of employment growth between 2003 and 2007 in Austria, Denmark, Italy and Spain, and 71% in the same period in Britain. 例如,移民劳动力,2003至2007年间,在奥地利,丹麦,意大利和西班牙占据了就业增长的五分之二强,而这一时期在英国则占据了71%。

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  • n. 第五;五分之几;五等品(fifth的复数)
  • 1. Despite the differences, more than half of the children surveyed by Halifax said they think they get the right amount, with only two-fifths (43%) claiming they deserved more.

    虽然存在差异,但半数以上接受哈利法克斯调查的孩子认为他们获得的金额是适当的,只有五分之二 ( 43%) 声称他们应该得到更多。

  • 2. Migrant workers, for example, accounted for over two-fifths of employment growth between 2003 and 2007 in Austria, Denmark, Italy and Spain, and 71% in the same period in Britain.


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