


adj. 已受精的 

Johnson rotated corn and soybeans on one set of plots that were fertilized and tilled every year with a chisel or moldboard plow. 约翰逊在一组试验田里轮作种植玉米和大豆,这组试验田每年都施以化肥,并用凿形松土犁或铧式犁耕作。
When land is fertilized for the first time you get a huge jump in production, so a 17-fold increase would have significant results. 她表示,“当土地第一次施肥后,产量就会大增,所以肥料投入增加17倍将会产生重大的影响”。

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  • adj. 已受精的
  • 1. Johnson rotated corn and soybeans on one set of plots that were fertilized and tilled every year with a chisel or moldboard plow.


  • 2. When land is fertilized for the first time you get a huge jump in production, so a 17-fold increase would have significant results.


  • 3. That could mean munching on live sea horses or hard-boiled fertilized duck eggs — though steering clear of adulterated chicken breasts.


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