fem. [fem]  


fem.  [fem]

abbr. 有限单元法(Finite Element Method);有限元建模(Finite Element Modeling);场效应修正的(Field-Effect Modified);场致发射显微镜(Field Emission Microscopy) 

You do this by first accessing the object store properties on FEM. 为此,首先访问 FEM 上的 object store 属性。
In combination with field test, the load transfer behavior of multi-type-pile composite foundation has been analyzed by use of FEM. 利用有限元仿真手段,并结合现场试验结果,对多桩型复合地基的载荷传递机理进行了分析。

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  • abbr. 有限单元法(Finite Element Method);有限元建模(Finite Element Modeling);场效应修正的(Field-Effect Modified);场致发射显微镜(Field Emission Microscopy)
  • 1. You do this by first accessing the object store properties on FEM.

    为此,首先访问 FEM 上的 object store 属性。

  • 2. In combination with field test, the load transfer behavior of multi-type-pile composite foundation has been analyzed by use of FEM.


  • 3. For example, if the storage area had Closed due to reaching its maximum content element value; first increase this value on the Statistics tab of the storage area properties in FEM.

    例如,如果存储区域由于达到最大内容元素值而被转换为 Closed 状态;那么首先在 FEM 中在该存储区域属性对话框的 Statistics 选项卡中增加这个值。

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