favorably 英 ['feivərəbli]  


favorably  英 ['feivərəbli]

adv. 顺利地;亲切地;好意地 

"On the margin, it might push them to see you more favorably, " he said. 他说,“这些细枝末节,可能使他们觉得你更加亲切友好。”
If someone comes across one of your lectures (or other resources) and is favorably impressed by it, how much more likely will they be to attend a class? 如果有人正好看到你的某个演讲(或其他的资源),又刚好被吸引住的话,你想想看:他们来听一次课的机率会有多大?

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  • adv. 顺利地;亲切地;好意地
  • 1. "On the margin, it might push them to see you more favorably, " he said.


  • 2. If someone comes across one of your lectures (or other resources) and is favorably impressed by it, how much more likely will they be to attend a class?


  • 3. The book was very favorably reviewed in a few major journals, but for several years it had no visible impact on anything.


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