farther 英 [ˈfɑ:ðə(r)]   美 [ˈfɑrðə(r)]


farther  英 [ˈfɑ:ðə(r)] 美 [ˈfɑrðə(r)]

adv. 更远地;此外;更进一步地  adj. 进一步的;更远的(far的比较级) 

At last they were so tired that their poor little legs could carry them no farther; so they laid themselves down under a tree and went to sleep. 最后他们如此的疲惫他们可怜的小腿没有办法把他们带到更远的地方了; 于是他们自己在一棵树下躺下来睡着了。
She was first called to observe and approve him farther, by a reflection which Elinor chanced one day to make on the difference between him and his sister. 她对他的进一步观察和赞许,最早是由埃丽诺偶然说出的一句话引起来的。 那天,埃丽诺说他和他姐姐大不一样。

  • Farther means a greater distance away. You thought you'd be able to hit that can with a rock, but it fell short, so you'll have to try throwing it farther.
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  • adv. 更远地;此外;更进一步地
  • adj. 进一步的;更远的(far的比较级)
  • 1. At last they were so tired that their poor little legs could carry them no farther; so they laid themselves down under a tree and went to sleep.

    最后他们如此的疲惫他们可怜的小腿没有办法把他们带到更远的地方了; 于是他们自己在一棵树下躺下来睡着了。

  • 2. She was first called to observe and approve him farther, by a reflection which Elinor chanced one day to make on the difference between him and his sister.

    她对他的进一步观察和赞许,最早是由埃丽诺偶然说出的一句话引起来的。 那天,埃丽诺说他和他姐姐大不一样。

  • 3. This is the school to which your farther subscribed generously in the past.


  • farther (adj.) late 14c., "front;" variant of further (adj.). From 1510s as "additional;" 1560s as "more remote."
  • farther (adv.) 15c. alteration of Middle English ferther (c. 1300), a variant of further (adv.). There is no historical basis for the notion that farther is of physical distance and further of degree or quality.
far·ther / ˈfɑːðə(r) ; NAmE ˈfɑːrðər / adverb , adjective adverb ( comparative of far *far 的比较级 ) at or to a greater distance in space or time (时间或空间上)更远,较远 farther north/south 再往北╱南 farther alongthe road 沿路继续往前 I can't go any farther. 我再也走不动了。 As a family we grew farther and fartherapart. 我们一家人越来越疏远了。 We watched their ship moving gradually farther away. 我们望着他们的船渐渐远去。 How much farther is it? 还有多远? They hadn't got any farther with the work (= they had made no progress). 他们的工作毫无进展。 IDIOMsee afield adjective ( comparative of far *far 的比较级 ) at a greater distance in space, direction or time (空间、方向或时间上)更远的,较远的 the farther shore of the lake 湖的彼岸 WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 farther / further / farthest / furthest These are the comparative and superlative forms of far. 以上为 far 的比较级和最高级形式。 To talk about distance, use either farther, farthestor further, furthest.In BrE, further, furthestare the most common forms and in NAmE, furtherand farthest. 表示距离既可用 farther、farthest,也可用 further、furthest。英式英语最常用 further、furthest,美式英语最常用 further、farthest: I have to travel further/farther to work now. 现在我得走更远的路去上班。 To talk about the degree or extent of something, further / further are usually preferred. 表示事物的程度或幅度通常宜用 further/furthest: Let’s consider this point further. 让我们更深入地考虑这一点。 Further,but not farther,can also mean ‘more’ or ‘additional’. *further 亦可表示更加或进一步,farther 则无此意: Are there any further questions? 还有什么问题吗? This sounds very formal in NAmE. 这在美式英语中是很正式的用法。 far·ther / ˈfɑːðə(r) ; NAmE ˈfɑːrðər /
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