farming 英 [ˈfɑ:mɪŋ]   美 [ˈfɑrmɪŋ]


farming  英 [ˈfɑ:mɪŋ] 美 [ˈfɑrmɪŋ]

n. 务农 


to take up farming 从事农业
organic farming 有机耕作

  • Farming is the act or process of working the ground, planting seeds, and growing edible plants. You can also describe raising animals for milk or meat as farming.
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  • n. 务农
  • 1. to take up farming


  • 2. organic farming


  • 3. modern farming methods


  • 4. a farming community


  • farming (n.) 1590s, "action of farming out, practice of letting or leasing taxes, etc., for collection," verbal noun from farm (v.). Meaning "business of cultivating land, husbandry" is attested by 1733.
farm·ing / ˈfɑːmɪŋ ; NAmE ˈfɑːrmɪŋ / noun [uncountable ] the business of managing or working on a farm 务农;农场经营 to take up farming 从事农业 sheep/fish, etc. farming 牧羊、养鱼等 organic farming 有机耕作 modern farming methods 现代耕作方法 a farming community 农业社区 COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Farming 农场经营 Growing food and raising animals 种植粮食和饲养动物 planttrees/seeds/crops/vines/barley 植树;播种;种庄稼;种植葡萄树;种大麦 grow/producecorn/wheat/rice/fruit 种植/生产玉米/小麦/大米/水果 plough/( NAmE) plowland/a field 耕地;犁田 sow/harvestseeds/crops/fields 播种/收获谷粒/农作物/庄稼 spreadmanure/fertilizer on sth 给…施撒粪肥/肥料 cultivate/irrigate/water/contaminatecrops/plants/fields/land 耕作/灌溉/浇灌/污染庄稼/植物/田地/土地 damage/destroy/loseyour crop 损害/毁坏/损失农作物 ripen/pickfruit/berries/grapes 催熟/采摘水果/浆果/葡萄 press/dry/fermentgrapes 压榨/晾干/发酵葡萄 grind/threshgrain/corn/wheat 磨/打谷物/玉米/小麦 raise/rear/keepchickens/poultry/cattle/pigs 饲养鸡/家禽/牛/猪 raise/breed/feed/grazelivestock/cattle/sheep 饲养/喂养/放养家畜/牛/羊 kill/slaughterlivestock 屠宰家畜 preserve/smoke/cure/saltmeat 防腐保存/熏/加工贮藏/用盐腌制肉 Modern farming 现代农场经营 runa fish farm/an organic dairy 经营养鱼场/有机乳品场 engage in/be involved inintensive (pig/fish) farming 从事集约型(生猪/渔业)养殖 use/apply(chemical/organic) fertilizer/insecticides/pesticides 使用(化学/有机)肥料/杀虫剂 begin/do/conductfield trials of GM (= genetically modified) crops 开始/进行转基因作物的田间试验 grow/developGM crops/seeds/plants/foods 种植/研发转基因作物/种子/植物/粮食 fund/invest ingenetic engineering/research 资助/投资基因工程/研究 improve/increasecrop yields 提高/增加粮食产量 face/suffer from/alleviatefood shortages 面临/遭受/缓解食物短缺 labelfood that contains GMOs (= genetically modified organisms) 给含有转基因生物的食品贴标签 eliminate/reducefarm subsidies 取消/减少农业补贴 oppose/be againstfactory farming/GM food 反对工厂化养殖/转基因食品 promote/encourage/supportorganic/sustainable farming 促进/鼓励/支持有机/可持续农耕 farm·ing / ˈfɑːmɪŋ ; NAmE ˈfɑːrmɪŋ /
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