faithful 英 [ˈfeɪθfl]   美 [ˈfeθfəl]


faithful  英 [ˈfeɪθfl] 美 [ˈfeθfəl]

adj. 忠实的,忠诚的;如实的;准确可靠的 


He entrusted his child to a faithful friend. 他把他的孩子委托给一位忠实的朋友照料。
He entrusted his children to a faithful friend. 他把他的孩子嘱托给一位忠实的朋友照料。

  • Faithful describes someone who is reliable and consistent. If you're a faithful volunteer at the animal shelter, you show up every Saturday and work hard to help the animals.
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  • adj. 忠实的,忠诚的;如实的;准确可靠的
  • 1. He entrusted his child to a faithful friend.


  • 2. He entrusted his children to a faithful friend.


  • 3. They have proved faithful both in peace and in war.


  • faithful (adj.) early 14c., "sincerely religious, devout, pious," especially in reference to Christian practice; mid-14c., "loyal (to a lord, friend, spouse, etc.); true; honest, trustworthy," from faith + -ful. From late 14c. in reference to a tale, a report, etc., "accurate, reliable, true to the facts." The noun sense of "true believer, one who is full of faith" is from late 14c. (Church Latin used fideles in same sense). Related: Faithfully; faithfulness. Old Faithful geyser named 1870 by explorer Gen. Henry Dana Washburn, surveyor-general of the Montana Territory, in reference to the regularity of its outbursts.
faith·ful / ˈfeɪθfl ; NAmE ˈfeɪθfl / adjective 1 staying with or supporting a particular person, organization or belief 忠实的;忠诚的 SYN loyal a faithful servant/friend/dog 忠实的仆人╱朋友╱狗 She was rewarded for her 40 years' faithful service with the company. 她为公司忠诚服务了 40 年,因而获得奖赏。 I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years. 我是贵报多年来的忠实读者。 faithfulto sb/sth He remained faithfulto the ideals of the party. 他对党的理想坚贞不移。 2 the faithful noun [plural ] people who believe in a religion; the loyal supporters of a political party (宗教的)忠实信徒;(政党的)忠诚支持者 The president will keep the support of the party faithful. 总统将继续获得忠诚党员的拥护。 3 (of a wife, husband or partner 夫妻或性伴侣 ) faithful(to sb) not having a sexual relationship with anyone else 忠诚的;忠贞的 OPP unfaithful 4 true and accurate; not changing anything 如实的;丝毫不变的 a faithful copy/account/description 精确的副本;如实的叙述╱描述 faithfulto sth His translation manages to be faithful to the spirit of the original. 他的译文做到了忠于原文的精神。 5 [only before noun ] able to be trusted; that you can rely on 可信任的;可信赖的 my faithful old car 我那忠实的老爷车 faith·ful·ness / ˈfeɪθflnəs ; NAmE ˈfeɪθflnəs / noun [uncountable ] faithfulness to tradition 对传统的恪守 She had doubts about his faithfulness. 她怀疑他的忠诚。 faith·ful / ˈfeɪθfl ; NAmE ˈfeɪθfl / faith·ful·ness / ˈfeɪθflnəs ; NAmE ˈfeɪθflnəs /
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