


phrase. (靠祈祷等治病的)信仰疗法 


When one brings the benefits of faith to ones practice of the healing enhancement and self-healing methods, the potential benefits are doubled. 如果一个从宗教中的获益的人能让这种益处在加强治疗和自我修复时得以发挥,他(她)收到的潜在益处就会加倍。
Luke then returns to the familiar theme of wealth, and, as they get closer to Jerusalem, Jesus explains the true purpose of the trip and provides healing to a faith-filled blind man. 路加然后又回到熟悉的主题---财富。 当他们越来越接近耶路撒冷的时候,耶稣道出了这次旅程的真实意图,并且医治了一个满有信心的瞎子。

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  • phrase. (靠祈祷等治病的)信仰疗法
  • 1. When one brings the benefits of faith to ones practice of the healing enhancement and self-healing methods, the potential benefits are doubled.


  • 2. Luke then returns to the familiar theme of wealth, and, as they get closer to Jerusalem, Jesus explains the true purpose of the trip and provides healing to a faith-filled blind man.

    路加然后又回到熟悉的主题---财富。 当他们越来越接近耶路撒冷的时候,耶稣道出了这次旅程的真实意图,并且医治了一个满有信心的瞎子。

  • 3. Instead, in the heart of the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, Christians held a Pentecostal revival, complete with faith healing and speaking in tongues.


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