faintly 英 ['feɪntlɪ]   美 ['fentli]


faintly  英 ['feɪntlɪ] 美 ['fentli]

adv. 微弱地;模糊地;虚弱地 

He was about fifteen, and only faintly could one see the first traces of vanity, a product of the favours shown him by women. 他当时大约十五岁,在他身上人们只能模糊地看到虚荣的最初的痕迹——这是女人对他表示出来的喜好的产物。
This I could see faintly shining as I raised or lowered the cigarette; and at each whiff the inside of my hand was illuminated, and became for a second the highest light in the landscape. 当我拿起或者放下我的烟卷时,都可以看到它微弱的反光;我每吸一口,我的手掌都会被照亮,我的戒指便是此情此境里除了星星以外最亮的光了。

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  • adv. 微弱地;模糊地;虚弱地
  • 1. He was about fifteen, and only faintly could one see the first traces of vanity, a product of the favours shown him by women.


  • 2. This I could see faintly shining as I raised or lowered the cigarette; and at each whiff the inside of my hand was illuminated, and became for a second the highest light in the landscape.


  • 3. From the hall the clock calling out the quarter hour, then a moment of stillness - time stalling - before, faintly, the clock in her study responded.


  • faintly (adv.) c. 1300, "dispiritedly, timidly, half-heartedly;" early 14c. "feebly, wearily, without vigor;" from faint (adj.) + -ly (2). Meaning "indistinctly" is from 1580s. Also in Middle English, "deceitfully, hypocritically, falsely" (mid-14c.).
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