faction 英 [ˈfækʃn]   美 [ˈfækʃən]


faction  英 [ˈfækʃn] 美 [ˈfækʃən]

n. 派系,派别;派系斗争 


rival factions within the administration 政府中的对立派别
a party divided by faction 因派系斗争而四分五裂的政党

  • Fractions are smaller parts of whole numbers: one-quarter, one-tenth, one-half, and a faction is a smaller portion of a larger group that breaks away from it. A faction might take a fraction of the people from a large group and start a new group.
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  • n. 派系,派别;派系斗争
  • 1. rival factions within the administration


  • 2. a party divided by faction


  • 3. Faction almost broke up the club.


  • faction (n.1) c. 1500, from Middle French faction (14c.) and directly from Latin factionem (nominative factio) "political party, class of persons," literally "a making or doing," noun of action from past participle stem of facere "to do" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put"). In ancient Rome, originally "one of the four teams of contenders for the chariot races in the circus," distinguished by the color of their dress. Later "oligarchy, usurping faction, party seeking by irregular means to bring about a change in government."
  • faction (n.2) "fictional narrative based on real characters or events, 1967, a blend of fact and fiction.
fac·tion / ˈfækʃn ; NAmE ˈfækʃn / noun 1 [countable ] a small group of people within a larger one whose members have some different aims and beliefs to those of the larger group (大团体中的)派系,派别,小集团 rival factions within the administration 政府中的对立派别 collocationsat politics 2 [uncountable ] opposition, disagreement, etc. that exists between small groups of people within an organization or political party 派系斗争;内讧 a party divided by faction and intrigue 因派系和阴谋诡计搞得四分五裂的政党 3 [uncountable ] films/movies, books, etc. that combine fact with fiction(= imaginary events) 纪实与虚构相结合的电影(或书等) faction factions fac·tion / ˈfækʃn ; NAmE ˈfækʃn /
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