face-saving ['feis,seiviŋ]  


face-saving  ['feis,seiviŋ]

adj. 保全体面的;顾全面子的 

Napoleon Bonaparte was awarded the island as a tiny principality in a face-saving deal after his first abdication in 1814. 拿破仑·波拿巴在1814年被授予这座岛屿,作为他在当年被第一次流放后的挽回面子的交易。
Take her to one side and offer her a lot of money, a face-saving story and a great reference, and usher her gently out of the door. 把她叫到一边,给她一大笔钱,编造一些为她保留颜面的话,再写一些很棒的评语,和颜悦色地把她送出门。

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  • adj. 保全体面的;顾全面子的
  • 1. Napoleon Bonaparte was awarded the island as a tiny principality in a face-saving deal after his first abdication in 1814.


  • 2. Take her to one side and offer her a lot of money, a face-saving story and a great reference, and usher her gently out of the door.


  • 3. But the various escape clauses that Vietnam insisted upon suggest it was more of a face-saving measure than a firm pledge.


ˈface-saving / ; NAmE / adjective [only before noun ] intended to protect sb's reputation and to avoid embarrassment 保全面子的 a face-saving compromise 体面的妥协 ˈface-saving / ; NAmE /
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