- If something is so great you can hardly believe it, it is fabulous. You can have a fabulous first date or you can make a fabulous dinner.
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- adj. 极好的;巨大的;传说的
1. a fabulous performance
2. Jana is a fabulous cook.
3. fabulous wealth, fabulous riches, fabulous beauty
4. fabulous beasts
- fabulous (adj.) early 15c., "mythical, legendary," from Latin fabulosus "celebrated in fable;" also "rich in myths," from fabula "story, tale" (see fable (n.)). Meaning "pertaining to fable" is from 1550s. Sense of "incredible" first recorded c. 1600, hence "enormous, immense, amazing," which was trivialized by 1950s to "marvelous, terrific." Slang shortening fab first recorded 1957; popularized in reference to The Beatles, c. 1963.
fabu·lous / ˈfæbjələs ; NAmE ˈfæbjələs / adjective 1 ( informal) extremely good 极好的;绝妙的 ◆ a fabulous performance 精彩的表演 ◆ Jana is a fabulous cook. 詹娜的厨艺堪称一绝。 ☞synonyms at great 2 ( formal) very great 很大的;巨大的 ◆ fabulous wealth/riches/beauty 大量财产;非常美丽 3 [only before noun ] ( literary) appearing in fables 寓言中的;神话似的 ◆ fabulous beasts 传说中的野兽 fabu·lous / ˈfæbjələs ; NAmE ˈfæbjələs /
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