exuberance 英 [ɪg'z(j)uːb(ə)r(ə)ns;eg-]   美 [ɪg'zjʊbərəns]


exuberance  英 [ɪg'z(j)uːb(ə)r(ə)ns;eg-] 美 [ɪg'zjʊbərəns]

n. 丰富,茂盛;健康;感情洋溢(或慷慨激昂)的言行;(感情等的)过度(或极度)表现 


The flower of humor blooms whenever in the course of development of a nation there is an exuberance of intellect able to flay its own ideals, for humor is nothing but intellect slashing at itself. 无论一个国家发展到什么阶段,只要它拥有富足的智者得以批判这个国家的自负时,幽默之花就会盛放,因为幽默无非是智者对自己的鞭挞。
Another grips the hands of her keeper and swings head over heels with childlike exuberance. 另一只握着饲养员的手,摇着头紧跟着,象和孩子似的兴高采烈。

  • Use exuberance to describe joyful enthusiasm and liveliness. You appreciate the natural exuberance of small children, but you prefer to enjoy it from a distance.
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  • n. 丰富,茂盛;健康;感情洋溢(或慷慨激昂)的言行;(感情等的)过度(或极度)表现
  • 1. The flower of humor blooms whenever in the course of development of a nation there is an exuberance of intellect able to flay its own ideals, for humor is nothing but intellect slashing at itself.


  • 2. Another grips the hands of her keeper and swings head over heels with childlike exuberance.


  • exuberance (n.) 1630s, "an overflowing," from French exubérance (16c.), from Late Latin exuberantia "superabundance," abstract noun from exuberare "be abundant, grow luxuriously" (see exuberant). Usually figurative in English, especially of joy, happiness, etc. Exuberancy attested from 1610s.
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