extra-terrestrial ['ekstrə,ti'restriəl]  


extra-terrestrial  ['ekstrə,ti'restriəl]

n. 外星人  adj. 地球外的;大气圈外的 


Becoming an “extra-terrestrial” civilization is an inevitable evolutionary watershed of technological societies. 成为一个“外星人”文明是社会进化的必然技术分水岭。
Invite ET to log on: A group of scientists have set up a web site asking for an extra-terrestrial intelligence to send them an e-mail. 邀请外星人登录网络: 一组科学家已经建立了一个邀请外星智慧生命给他们发送电子邮件的网站。

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  • n. 外星人
  • adj. 地球外的;大气圈外的
  • 1. Becoming an “extra-terrestrial” civilization is an inevitable evolutionary watershed of technological societies.


  • 2. Invite ET to log on: A group of scientists have set up a web site asking for an extra-terrestrial intelligence to send them an e-mail.

    邀请外星人登录网络: 一组科学家已经建立了一个邀请外星智慧生命给他们发送电子邮件的网站。

  • 3. Now, faster than you can say Indiana Jones, Spielberg has changed course, leaving behind the place where he made such classics as E.T. the extra-terrestrial, Jaws, and Jurassic Park.

    而现在,斯皮尔伯格以比你说出 印第安纳琼斯 还快的速度改变了路线,把他塑造 外星人,大白鲨,侏罗公园 这些经典形象的福地抛掷脑后。

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