extirpation 英 [ˌekstə'peɪʃn]   美 [ˌekstə'peɪʃn]


extirpation  英 [ˌekstə'peɪʃn] 美 [ˌekstə'peɪʃn]

n. 消灭,根除;毁灭 


The treatment of benign tumors is extirpation . 良性肿瘤的治疗是摘除。
Method Vitrectomy associating with extirpation of intraocular foreign bodies and pus, at last inject with antibiotics and steroid into the eyes. 方法应用玻璃体切除术取出球内异物,清除玻璃体内脓液,术终球内注射抗生素加激素。

  • Use the noun extirpation to describe the wiping out or elimination of some specific thing. If your summer project is the extirpation of the dandelions in your yard, you intend to pull up every last one.
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  • n. 消灭,根除;毁灭
  • 1. The treatment of benign tumors is extirpation .


  • 2. Method Vitrectomy associating with extirpation of intraocular foreign bodies and pus, at last inject with antibiotics and steroid into the eyes.


  • 3. Here I am in a pulpit, dressed like a Puritan minister —an apparition that would have horrified many of my distinguished forebears and perhaps rededicated some of them to the extirpation of witches.


  • extirpation (n.) early 15c., "removal;" 1520s, "rooting out, eradication," from Latin extirpationem/exstirpationem (nominative extirpatio/exstirpatio), noun of action from past participle stem of extirpare/exstirpare "root out," from ex "out" (see ex-) + stirps (genitive stirpis) "a root, stock of a tree."
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