extenuating 美[ɪk'stɛnjuetɪŋ]  


extenuating  美[ɪk'stɛnjuetɪŋ]

adj. 情有可原的;使减轻的  v. 为…找借口;能减轻…的严重性;轻视(extenuate的ing形式) 


He tells me I should take off early, that my boss will understand because this is an extenuating circumstance. 他说我应该可以提前下班,我的老板会理解的,因为毕竟情有可原。
Where your illness may affect assessed work you should also complete an extenuating Circumstances claim form. 如果生病影响了你的测评,你应同时填写一份例外情况声明表。

  • You'll be furious that your friend didn't bake the cupcakes she promised for your bake sale — until you learn the extenuating circumstances: her dog climbed onto her kitchen counter and ate all the cupcake batter. Extenuating means "making forgivable."
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  • adj. 情有可原的;使减轻的
  • v. 为…找借口;能减轻…的严重性;轻视(extenuate的ing形式)
  • 1. He tells me I should take off early, that my boss will understand because this is an extenuating circumstance.


  • 2. Where your illness may affect assessed work you should also complete an extenuating Circumstances claim form.


  • 3. But in this particular extenuating circumstance, just this once, it’s OK.


ex·tenu·at·ing / ɪkˈstenjueɪtɪŋ ; NAmE ɪkˈstenjueɪtɪŋ / adjective [only before noun ] ( formal) showing reasons why a wrong or illegal act, or a bad situation, should be judged less seriously or excused 情有可原的;可减轻的 There were extenuating circumstancesand the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. 因为有可减轻罪行的情节,所以被告未被判刑。 ex·tenu·at·ing / ɪkˈstenjueɪtɪŋ ; NAmE ɪkˈstenjueɪtɪŋ /
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