


abbr. 延展(extension);分机号码(extension number);额外的(extra) 


For a Web project, these additional settings are saved in the bindings file (ibm-web.bnd.xmi) and in an extension file (ibm.web-ext.xmi). 对于 Web 项目来说,这些额外的设置保存在绑定文件( ibm-web.bnd.xmi )和扩展文件( ibm.web-ext.xmi )中。
This declares the configuration for ext.app.REMOTING_API, which you then use as your provider when you try to use the exposed methods in your code. 这声明了 Ext.app.REMOTING_API 配置,当您在您的代码中试着使用公开的方法时,您可以将其作为您的提供者使用。

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  • abbr. 延展(extension);分机号码(extension number);额外的(extra)
  • 1. For a Web project, these additional settings are saved in the bindings file (ibm-web.bnd.xmi) and in an extension file (ibm.web-ext.xmi).

    对于 Web 项目来说,这些额外的设置保存在绑定文件( ibm-web.bnd.xmi )和扩展文件( ibm.web-ext.xmi )中。

  • 2. This declares the configuration for ext.app.REMOTING_API, which you then use as your provider when you try to use the exposed methods in your code.

    这声明了 Ext.app.REMOTING_API 配置,当您在您的代码中试着使用公开的方法时,您可以将其作为您的提供者使用。

  • 3. Format each scene with a scene heading. The scene heading tells whether the scene is inside or outside, indicted by INT. or EXT., where the scene takes place, and if it's day or night.


ext. abbreviation (used as part of a telephone number) extension (用于电话号码)电话分机线,分机号码 Ext. 4299 分机号码 4299
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