expressiveness [ɪk'sprɛsɪvnɪs]  


expressiveness  [ɪk'sprɛsɪvnɪs]

n. 善于表现;表情丰富 


Moreover, it offers the expressiveness which helps to “simplify complex tasks”. 此外,它更具表现力,这有助于“简化复杂任务”。
If these issues are not handled well, the benefits of generic types can easily be outweighed by decreases in expressiveness and robustness. 如果这些问题处理得不当,那么可表达性和健壮性的降低会轻易地抵消泛型类型的好处。

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  • n. 善于表现;表情丰富
  • 1. Moreover, it offers the expressiveness which helps to “simplify complex tasks”.


  • 2. If these issues are not handled well, the benefits of generic types can easily be outweighed by decreases in expressiveness and robustness.


  • 3. This approach has many advantages over the other two, allowing us to keep the expressiveness of the second approach and the same degree of static checking as in the first.


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