explain away 英 [iksˈplein əˈwei]   美 [ɪkˈsplen əˈwe]

explain away

explain away  英 [iksˈplein əˈwei] 美 [ɪkˈsplen əˈwe]

phrase. 通过解释消除 

Some researchers have started using it to explain away the twin cosmological mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. 一些研究者已经开始利用它来解释暗物质和暗能量这两个伴生的宇宙学之谜。
The idea of a Nilotic invasion was a way to explain away the existence of sophisticated kingdoms in the heart of Africa. 尼罗河人入侵的说法是为何在非洲心脏地带存在如此复杂的王国的一种解释而已。

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  • phrase. 通过解释消除
  • 1. Some researchers have started using it to explain away the twin cosmological mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.


  • 2. The idea of a Nilotic invasion was a way to explain away the existence of sophisticated kingdoms in the heart of Africa.


  • 3. I never made a mistake in my life; at least, never one that I couldn’t explain away afterwards.


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