experimenter [ɪk'spɛrə,mɛntɚ]  


experimenter  [ɪk'spɛrə,mɛntɚ]

n. 实验者,试验者 


On the other hand, in the group cued with impolite words, fully 64% interrupted the experimenter. 另一方面,第二组当中整整64%的参与者打断了实验者的谈话。
Another person in the room beside the experimenter said he saw the participant hitting the ALT key. 坐在实验者旁边的另外一个人说他看到这个受试者按了Alt键。

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  • n. 实验者,试验者
  • 1. On the other hand, in the group cued with impolite words, fully 64% interrupted the experimenter.


  • 2. Another person in the room beside the experimenter said he saw the participant hitting the ALT key.


  • 3. Participants were asked to press keys on a keyboard as they were read aloud by another person, who was secretly in cahoots with the experimenter.

    参加者要根据另一个人大声读出的要求去敲击键盘上对应的键, 后者已经和实验者事先串通好。

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