expeditiously [,ekspi'diʃəsli]  


expeditiously  [,ekspi'diʃəsli]

adv. 迅速地;敏捷地 

This imposes an obligation to move forward as expeditiously and effectively as possible, individually and through international assistance and co-operation, to the maximum of available resources. 这便要求各缔约国有义务单独或通过国际援助和合作,最大限度使用现有资源,尽可能迅速有效的向前推进。
The government has urged the Chinese authorities to deal with this case expeditiously, " the spokeswoman said, adding that Australia would continue to make representations to Beijing over Hu's case. 政府强烈要求中国当局迅速有效地处理好此案。” 该发言人说;还补充道,澳大利亚将继续就胡士泰案件向北京作出申述。

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  • adv. 迅速地;敏捷地
  • 1. This imposes an obligation to move forward as expeditiously and effectively as possible, individually and through international assistance and co-operation, to the maximum of available resources.


  • 2. The government has urged the Chinese authorities to deal with this case expeditiously, " the spokeswoman said, adding that Australia would continue to make representations to Beijing over Hu's case.

    政府强烈要求中国当局迅速有效地处理好此案。” 该发言人说;还补充道,澳大利亚将继续就胡士泰案件向北京作出申述。

  • 3. "Hopefully the new plan will be effected expeditiously (and) the New GM will emerge quickly," he said.


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