expectantly [ɪks'pɛktəntli]  


expectantly  [ɪks'pɛktəntli]

adv. 期望地,期待地 

You can look expectantly toward the future. 但你可以充满期待地朝前看。
And after each person gave their short report, they looked over to Sanjay expectantly, hoping to catch a glance of approval. 在每个人完成简短报告之后,都会期待地看着Sanjay,希望能看到他的赞同。

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  • adv. 期望地,期待地
  • 1. You can look expectantly toward the future.


  • 2. And after each person gave their short report, they looked over to Sanjay expectantly, hoping to catch a glance of approval.


  • 3. , ” a standing-room-only crowd waited expectantly as a slide flashed up posing this question: Does barefoot running increase or decrease skeletal injury risk?


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