exhilarated 英 [ig'ziləreitid]  


exhilarated  英 [ig'ziləreitid]

adj. 振奋的;高兴的  v. 使振奋;使高兴(exhilarate的过去式和过去分词) 

At 14,000 feet. Oldfield says the sky-high bonding exercise left the workers "exhilarated" and "more confident" in just one day. 奥德菲尔德说,在14,000英尺的高度进行这种高空蹦极,只需一天时间就能使员工“精神振奋”,“倍感自信”。
Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, thanked all the fans who had turned up. "If this doesn't get you exhilarated, nothing else will," he said. 剧中哈里的饰演者丹尼尔·拉德克里夫对当天出席首映式的所有影迷表示了感谢,他说:“没有什么能比这更让你感到高兴的了。”

  • To be exhilarated is be full of joy, happiness, and excitement. When you're exhilarated, you're in an extremely good mood. A good run on a sunny day full of kittens and rainbows can make you feel exhilarated.
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  • adj. 振奋的;高兴的
  • v. 使振奋;使高兴(exhilarate的过去式和过去分词)
  • 1. At 14,000 feet. Oldfield says the sky-high bonding exercise left the workers "exhilarated" and "more confident" in just one day.


  • 2. Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, thanked all the fans who had turned up. "If this doesn't get you exhilarated, nothing else will," he said.


  • 3. The hurt and fear of years of discouragement crumbled in the face of the truth of what Mrs. Slaton had said. Jean felt exhilarated and a little scared.


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