exchanger [ɪks'tʃendʒər]  


exchanger  [ɪks'tʃendʒər]

n. 交换器;交易所;交换程序 


MX (mail exchanger) -- The hostname of a server responsible for handling e-mail for the domain. MX(邮件交换器)——负责处理该域的电子邮件的服务器主机名。
The Zurich laboratory has already constructed a prototype that feeds the water from the chips into a heat-exchanger. 苏黎世实验室已经建造了一个模型,把从芯片中流出的水引入一个热交换器。

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  • n. 交换器;交易所;交换程序
  • 1. MX (mail exchanger) -- The hostname of a server responsible for handling e-mail for the domain.


  • 2. The Zurich laboratory has already constructed a prototype that feeds the water from the chips into a heat-exchanger.


  • 3. The next stage is to link this exchanger to a district-heating system so that it can be pumped into central-heating.


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