exception 英 [ɪkˈsepʃn]   美 [ɪkˈsɛpʃən]


exception  英 [ɪkˈsepʃn] 美 [ɪkˈsɛpʃən]

n. 例外;异议 


There is no rule without an exception. 有规则必有例外。
With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results. 私立学校的考试成绩是最好的,很少有例外情况。

  • An exception is something that is left out or not done on purpose. An exception to a rule does not follow that rule.
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  • n. 例外;异议
  • 1. There is no rule without an exception.


  • 2. With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results.


  • 3. Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception.


  • 4. There are always a lot of exceptions to grammar rules.


  • exception (n.) late 14c., from Anglo-French excepcioun, Old French excepcion, from Latin exceptionem (nominative exceptio) "an exception, restriction, limitation; an objection," noun of action from past participle stem of excipere "to take out" (see except).
ex·cep·tion / ɪkˈsepʃn ; NAmE ɪkˈsepʃn / noun 1 a person or thing that is not included in a general statement 一般情况以外的人(或事物);例外 Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception. 城里大多是现代建筑,不过教堂是个例外。 With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results. 私立学校的考试成绩是最好的,很少有例外情况。 Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception. 那时候谁都没有很多钱,我也不例外。 language bank at except 2 a thing that does not follow a rule 规则的例外;例外的事物 Good writing is unfortunately the exception rather than the rule (= it is unusual). 可惜优秀的文字作品真是可遇不可求。 There are always a lot of exceptions to grammar rules. 语法规则总是有很多例外。 IDIOMS the exception that proves the ˈrule ( saying) people say that sth is the exception that proves the rulewhen they are stating sth that seems to be different from the normal situation, but they mean that the normal situation remains true in general 反证规律的例外;足以证明普遍性的例外 Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is the exception that proves the rule. 今年多数电子公司都不景气,而我们公司却是普遍中的例外。 make an exˈception to allow sb not to follow the usual rule on one occasion 允许有例外;让…成为例外 Children are not usually allowed in, but I'm prepared to make an exception in this case. 儿童一般不允许入内,不过这次我可以破例。 take exˈception to sth to object strongly to sth; to be angry about sth (强烈地)反对;生…的气 I take great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me. 你还没告诉我就先对我妻子讲了,为此我非常生气。 No one could possibly take exception to his comments. 任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。 with the exˈception of except; not including 除…之外;不包括…在内 All his novels are set in Italy with the exception of his last. 他的小说除最后一部外全是以意大利为背景。 language bank at except without exˈception used to emphasize that the statement you are making is always true and everyone or everything is included 一律;无一例外 All students without exception must take the English examination. 所有学生都必须参加英语考试,无一例外。 exception exceptions ex·cep·tion / ɪkˈsepʃn ; NAmE ɪkˈsepʃn /
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