example 英 [ɪgˈzɑ:mpl]   美 [ɪgˈzæmpl]


example  英 [ɪgˈzɑ:mpl] 美 [ɪgˈzæmpl]

n. 例子;榜样 


I'll give you another example. 我再给你举另一个例子吧。
It is a perfect example of a medieval castle. 这是最典型的中世纪城堡。

  • An example is a particular instance of something that is representative of a group, or an illustration of something that's been generally described.
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  • n. 例子;榜样
  • 1. I'll give you another example.


  • 2. It is a perfect example of a medieval castle.


  • 3. He sets an example to the other students.


  • 4. It would be a mistake to follow his example.


  • example (n.) late 14c., "an instance typical of a class; a model, either good or bad, action or conduct as an object of imitation; an example to be avoided; punishment as a warning," partial re-Latinization of earlier essample, asaumple (mid-13c.), from Old French essemple "sample, model, example, precedent, cautionary tale," from Latin exemplum "a sample, specimen; image, portrait; pattern, model, precedent; a warning example, one that serves as a warning," literally "that which is taken out," from eximere "remove, take out, take away; free, release, deliver, make an exception of," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + emere "buy," originally "take," from PIE root *em- "to take, distribute." 
ex·ample / ɪɡˈzɑːmpl ; NAmE ɪɡˈzæmpl / noun 1 example(of sth) something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say 实例;例证;例子 Can you give me an example of what you mean? 你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗? This dictionary has many examples of how words are used. 这部词典有许多关于词语用法的示例。 Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. 且给你举个例子来说明他的慷慨吧 — 他把他的旧汽车给了我,而且分文不取。 It is important to cite examples to support your argument. 引用实例来证明你的论点是重要的。 language bank at e.g. 2 example(of sth) a thing that is typical of or represents a particular group or set 典型;范例;样品 This is a good example of the artist's early work. 这是这位艺术家早期作品的范例。 It is a perfect exampleof a medieval castle. 这是最典型的中世纪城堡。 Japan is often quoted as the prime exampleof a modern industrial nation. 人们经常举例把日本作为现代工业国家的典范。 It is a classic exampleof how not to design a new city centre. 这对于如何设计新市中心是个绝佳的反面教材。 3 a person or their behaviour that is thought to be a good model for others to copy 榜样;楷模;模范 example(to sb) Her courage is an example to us all. 她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。 He sets an exampleto the other students. 他为其他同学树立了榜样。 example(of sth) She is a shining exampleof what people with disabilities can achieve. 她为残疾人有所作为树立了光辉的榜样。 He is a captain who leads by example. 他是个以身作则的队长。 4 a person's behaviour, either good or bad, that other people copy 样板;榜样 It would be a mistake to follow his example. 仿效他的做法是错误的。 IDIOMS for example ( abbr.e.g. ) used to emphasize sth that explains or supports what you are saying; used to give an example of what you are saying 例如;譬如 There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian. 在许多语言,譬如法语和意大利语中都有相似的词。 The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. 这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括进去。 It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics. 将计算机科学与其他学科,如物理学,结合起来是可能的。 language bank at e.g. make an example of sb to punish sb as a warning to others not to do the same thing 惩罚某人以儆戒他人;用某人来杀一儆百 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 example case instance specimen illustration These are all words for a thing or situation that is typical of a particular group or set, and is sometimes used to support an argument. 以上各词均指事例、实例、例证。 example something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say; a thing that is typical of or represents a particular group or set 指实例、例证、典型、范例、样品: Can you give me an example of what you mean? 你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗? case a particular situation or a situation of a particular type; a situation that relates to a particular person or thing 指具体情况、事例、实例、特定情况: In some cases people have had to wait several weeks for an appointment. 在某些情况下,人们必须等上好几周才能得到约见。 instance ( rather formal) a particular situation or a situation of a particular type 指例子、事例、实例: The report highlights a number of instances of injustice. 这篇报道重点列举了一些不公正的实例。 specimen an example of sth, especially an animal or plant 尤指动植物的样品、实例: The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish. 水族馆里有一些罕见的热带鱼,很有趣。 illustration ( rather formal) a story, an event or an example that clearly shows the truth about sth 指说明事实的故事、实例、示例: The statistics are a clear illustration of the point I am trying to make. 这些统计数字清楚地阐明了我要陈述的要点。 example or illustration? 用 example 还是 illustration? An illustrationis often used to show that sth is true. An exampleis used to help to explain sth. *illustration 常用以表示事物的真实性,example 用以解释说明。 PATTERNS a(n) example/case/instance/specimen/illustration ofsth ina particular case/instance forexample/instance example examples ex·ample / ɪɡˈzɑːmpl ; NAmE ɪɡˈzæmpl /
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