every 英 [ˈevri]   美 [ˈɛvri]


every  英 [ˈevri] 美 [ˈɛvri]

adj. 每个的;每隔…的 

every box is same. 每个盒子都一样。
He drinks wine every week. 他每周都喝酒。

  • Use the adjective every to talk about all examples of something or all the members of a group. If you invite every classmate to your party, you're asking all 30 of them to come.
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  • adj. 每个的;每隔…的
  • 1. every box is same.


  • 2. He drinks wine every week.


  • 3. The buses go every 10 minutes.

    公共汽车每隔 10 分钟发一班车。

  • 4. I could hear every word they said.


  • every (adj.) early 13c., contraction of Old English æfre ælc "each of a group," literally "ever each" (Chaucer's everich), from each with ever added before it for emphasis. The word still is felt to want emphasis; as in Modern English every last ..., every single ..., etc.
every / ˈevri ; NAmE ˈevri / determiner 1 used with singular nouns to refer to all the members of a group of things or people (与单数名词连用,指整体中的)每一个,每个 She knows every student in the school. 她认识学校里的每一个学生。 I could hear every word they said. 他们说的每句话我都能听见。 We enjoyed every minute of our stay. 我们逗留期间每一分钟都过得很愉快。 Every day seemed the same to him. 对他来说似乎天天都一样。 Every singletime he calls, I'm out. 他每次打电话来我都不在家。 I read every lastarticle in the newspaper (= all of them). 报纸上的每一篇文章我都读。 They were watching her every movement. 他们注视着她的每一个动作。 Every one of their CDs has been a hit. 他们的每一张激光唱片都曾经非常流行。 note at each 2 all possible 所有可能的;完全可能的 We wish you every success. 我们祝你万事如意。 He had every reason to be angry. 他完全有理由感到愤怒。 3 used to say how often sth happens or is done (表示发生的频率)每,每逢,每隔 The buses go every 10 minutes. 公共汽车每隔 10 分钟发一班车。 We had to stop every few miles. 我们每走几英里就得停一停。 One in every three marriages ends in divorce. 三分之一的婚姻都以离婚告终。 He has every third day off (= he works for two days then has one day off then works for two days and so on). 他每隔两天休息一天。 We see each other every now and again. 我们偶尔相见。 Every now and thenhe regretted his decision. 他有时为自己的决定后悔。 IDIOM every other each alternateone (= the first, third, fifth, etc. one, but not the second, fourth, sixth, etc.) 每隔一个 They visit us every other week. 他们隔周来看我们一次。 every / ˈevri ; NAmE ˈevri /
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