even 英 [ˈi:vn]   美 [ˈivən]


even  英 [ˈi:vn] 美 [ˈivən]

adj. [数] 偶数的;平坦的;相等的  adv. 甚至; 

进行时:evening  过去式:evened  过去分词:evened  第三人称单数:evens  名词复数:evens 

Even the cavemen use computer. 甚至穴居人也使用电脑。
Even a child can understand it . 这就连小孩子也能理解。

  • Even means level and flat. When you're planning to build one of your famously elaborate sandcastles on the beach, you probably make sure the sand is even before you start.
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  • adj. [数] 偶数的;平坦的;相等的
  • adv. 甚至;
  • 1. Even the cavemen use computer.


  • 2. Even a child can understand it .


  • 3. You know even less about it than I do.


  • 4. She's even more intelligent than her sister.


  • 5. You need an even surface to work on.


  • 6. Our scores are now even.


  • 7. the even distribution of food


  • 8. 4, 6, 8, 10 are all even numbers.

    *4、6、8、10 都是偶数。

  • 9. She has a very even temperament.


  • even (adj.) Old English efen "level," also "equal, like; calm, harmonious; equally; quite, fully; namely," from Proto-Germanic *ebnaz (source also of Old Saxon eban, Old Frisian even "level, plain, smooth," Dutch even, Old High German eban, German eben, Old Norse jafn, Danish jævn, Gothic ibns). The adverb is Old English efne "exactly, just, likewise." Modern adverbial sense (introducing an extreme case of something more generally implied) seems to have arisen 16c. from use of the word to emphasize identity ("Who, me?" "Even you").
  • even (n.) "end of the day," Old English æfen, Mercian efen, Northumbrian efern (see eve (n.)).
  • even (v.) Old English efnan "to make even, to make level; liken, compare" (see even (adj.)). Intransitive sense of "become even" is attested from early 13c. Related: Evened; evening.
even / ˈiːvn ; NAmE ˈiːvn / adverb , adjective , verb even evens evened evening evener evenest adverb 1 used to emphasize sth unexpected or surprising (强调出乎意料)甚至,连,即使 He never even opened the letter (= so he certainly didn't read it). 他根本没打开过那封信。 It was cold there even in summer (= so it must have been very cold in winter). 那儿即使夏天也很冷。 Even a child can understand it (= so adults certainly can). 这就连小孩子也能理解。 She didn't even call to say she wasn't coming. 她甚至没打电话来说一声她不来了。 2 used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger (用以加强比较)甚至更,愈加,还 You know even less about it than I do. 你对此事的了解甚至还不如我。 She's even more intelligent than her sister. 她甚至比她姐姐还聪明。 3 used to introduce a more exact description of sb/sth (引出更精确的说法)甚至可以说,其实,实际上 It's an unattractive building, ugly even. 这栋建筑毫不美观,甚至可以说难看。 note at although IDIOMS even as ( formal) just at the same time as sb does sth or as sth else happens 正当;恰好在…时候 Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded. 他正在高喊注意时,汽车就打滑了。 even if/though despite the fact or belief that; no matter whether 即使;纵然;虽然 I'll get there, even if I have to walk. 我就是走也要走到那儿去。 I like her, even though she can be annoying at times. 尽管她有时可能很烦人,我还是喜欢她。 note at although ˌeven ˈnow/ˈthen 1 despite what has/had happened 甚至到现在(或那时);即便是这样(或那样);尽管如此(或那样) I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me. 我把照片给他看了,即便是这样他仍然不相信我。 Even then she would not admit her mistake. 甚至到那时她还是不肯认错。 2 ( formal) at this or that exact moment 恰好在这时(或那时) The troops are even now preparing to march into the city. 部队此刻正在准备向城里开进。 ˌeven ˈso despite that 尽管如此;即使那样 There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay. 尽管有许多拼写错误,它仍不失为一篇佳作。 more at less adv. adjective smooth/level 平滑;平 1 smooth, level and flat 平滑的;平的;平坦的 You need an even surface to work on. 你需要有个平面在上面工作。 OPP uneven not changing 不变 2 not changing very much in amount, speed, etc. (数量、速度等)变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的 an even temperature all year 常年温度变化不大 Children do not learn at an even pace. 孩子学东西时快时慢。 OPP uneven equal 相等 3 (of an amount of sth 数量 ) equal or the same for each person, team, place, etc. 相等的;均等的 Our scores are now even. 我们的比分现在相等。 the even distribution of food 食物的平均分配 OPP uneven 4 (of two people or teams 两人或两队 ) equally balanced or of an equal standard 均衡的;不相上下的;同一水平的 an even contest 势均力敌的竞赛 The two players were pretty even. 这两个运动员不分上下。 OPP uneven numbers 数目 5 that can be divided exactly by two 双数的;偶数的 4, 6, 8, 10 are all even numbers. *4、6、8、10 都是偶数。 OPP odd same size 大小相同 6 equally spaced and the same size 匀称的;均匀的;同样大小的 even features/teeth 匀称的面容;整齐的牙齿 OPP uneven calm 平静 7 calm; not changing or becoming upset 镇静的;稳重的;平和的,温和的 She has a very even temperament. 她的性情非常平和。 He spoke in a steady, even voice. 当时他说话的声音平稳而镇静。 even·ness / ˈiːvənnəs ; NAmE ˈiːvənnəs / noun [uncountable ] IDIOMS be ˈeven ( informal) to no longer owe sb money or a favour 了账;扯平;两清;两抵 be/get ˈeven (with sb) ( informal) to cause sb the same amount of trouble or harm as they have caused you (向某人)报复;(跟某人)算账,扯平 I'll get even with you for this, just you wait. 这事我会找你算账的,等着瞧吧。 break ˈeven to complete a piece of business, etc. without either losing money or making a profit 收支平衡;不赔不赚 The company just about broke even last year. 这家公司去年接近收支平衡。 have an even ˈchance (of doing sth) to be equally likely to do or not do sth (做某事)有一半的机会;正反各半的可能性 She has more than an even chance of winning tomorrow. 她明天多半会赢。 on an even ˈkeel living, working or happening in a calm way, with no sudden changes, especially after a difficult time (生活、工作等经历困难后)平稳下来,顺顺当当 more at honour n. verb IDIOM ˌeven the ˈscore to harm or punish sb who has harmed or cheated you in the past 结清宿怨;摆平 PHRASAL VERBS ˌeven ˈout to become level or steady, usually after varying a lot (在多变之后)变平坦,稳定下来 House prices keep rising and falling but they should eventually even out. 房价一直时涨时落,但最终应该会趋于稳定。 ˌeven sth↔ˈout to spread things equally over a period of time or among a number of people 平均分配;平均分摊 He tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees. 他尽量把工作平均分配给雇员。 ˌeven sth↔ˈup to make a situation or a competition more equal 使拉平;使相等;使平衡 even / ˈiːvn ; NAmE ˈiːvn / even·ness / ˈiːvənnəs ; NAmE ˈiːvənnəs /
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