evangelization [ɪ,vændʒɪlɪ'zeʃən]  


evangelization  [ɪ,vændʒɪlɪ'zeʃən]

n. 传福音;基督教化 


And we need extraordinary power for the task of local and world evangelization. 我们需要的任务非同寻常的力量当地和世界福。
We really would like to see more evangelization from the vendors, and help their customers embrace these technologies. 我们真的期望看到来自厂商更多的推广,帮助他们的客户拥抱这些技术。

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  • n. 传福音;基督教化
  • 1. And we need extraordinary power for the task of local and world evangelization.


  • 2. We really would like to see more evangelization from the vendors, and help their customers embrace these technologies.


  • 3. It is true that the recent radicalization of some atheists is a response to attempts at the evangelization of public and political institutions by fundamentalist groups.

    诚然 最近一些无神论者激进的表现 是为了回应原教旨主义团体对于公众和政治机构的基督教化企图。

  • evangelization (n.) 1650s, "action of preaching the gospel," noun of action from evangelize. From 1827 as "act of bringing under the influence of the gospel."
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