- Something especial is even greater or more than it usually is. The letters you get from your Japanese pen pal will be of especial interest to your brother, who collects foreign stamps.
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- adj. 特殊的,特别的
1. a matter of especial importance
2. The lecture will be of especial interest to history students.
- especial (adj.) late 14c., from Old French especial "pre-eminent, important," from Latin specialis "belonging to a particular kind or species," from species "kind" (see species). Latin words with initial sp-, st-, sc- usually acquired an e- in Old French (see e-). Modern French has restored the word to spécial. In English, originally with the same sense as special (adj.), later restricted to feelings, qualities, etc.
es·pe·cial / ɪˈspeʃl ; NAmE ɪˈspeʃl / adjective [only before noun ] ( BrE) ( formal) greater or better than usual; special in some way or for a particular group 格外的;特别的;特殊的 ◆ a matter of especial importance 特别重要的事情 ◆ The lecture will be of especial interest to history students. 学历史的学生会对这个讲座特别有兴趣。 ☞compare special adj. (5 ) es·pe·cial / ɪˈspeʃl ; NAmE ɪˈspeʃl /
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