epistle 英 [ɪˈpɪsl]   美 [ɪˈpɪsəl]


epistle  英 [ɪˈpɪsl] 美 [ɪˈpɪsəl]

n. 书信;使徒书;书信体诗文 


Attributions of other authors range from highly likely (for the other three gospels) to completely unknown (for the epistle to the Hebrews). 后人为其他篇章指认的作者,有的很可能真是作者(如其他三部福音书的作者),有的却根本就无从知晓(如《致希伯来人书》)。
And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. 你们念了这书信,便交给老底嘉的教会,叫他们也念。 你们也要念从老底嘉来的书信。

  • An epistle is a long, formal letter. Several books of the Bible consist of epistles.
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  • n. 书信;使徒书;书信体诗文
  • 1. Attributions of other authors range from highly likely (for the other three gospels) to completely unknown (for the epistle to the Hebrews).


  • 2. And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.

    你们念了这书信,便交给老底嘉的教会,叫他们也念。 你们也要念从老底嘉来的书信。

  • 3. He argued, following the epistle of St Paul, that all men are born in sin.


  • epistle (n.) partly from Old English epistol and in part directly from Old French epistle, epistre (Modern French épitre), from Latin epistola "a letter," from Greek epistole "message, letter, command, commission," whether verbal or in writing, from epistellein "send to, send as a message or letter," from epi "to" (see epi-) + stellein in its secondary sense of "to dispatch, send" from PIE *stel-yo-, suffixed form of root *stel- "to put, stand," with derivatives referring to a standing object or place (see stall (n.1)). Also acquired in Old English directly from Latin as pistol. Specific sense of "letter from an apostle forming part of canonical scripture" is c. 1200.
epis·tle / ɪˈpɪsl ; NAmE ɪˈpɪsl / noun 1 Epistle any of the letters in the New Testament of the Bible, written by the first people who followed Christ 使徒书信,宗徒书信(《〈圣经〉新约》书卷) the Epistles of St Paul 圣保罗书信 2 ( formal or humorous) a long, serious letter on an important subject (文体郑重、内容重要、篇幅较长的)书信 epistle epistles epis·tle / ɪˈpɪsl ; NAmE ɪˈpɪsl /
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