energizer ['enədʒaizə]  


energizer  ['enədʒaizə]

n. 激发器,增能器;情绪兴奋剂 


"It was like the energizer Bunny had some batteries put in, " Glass said. 格拉斯说:“麦凯恩看上去就像是新装了两节金霸王电池一样,简直是活力十足。
At first the idea of going from coach potato to energizer bunny may seem impossible, but with determination and help from others you'll be surprised how fast the transformation will occur. 最初,要把土豆训练成活力四射的兔子这个想法也许看起来不太可能,但有决心而且有别人的帮助,你将惊讶于这个转变是如此之快。

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  • n. 激发器,增能器;情绪兴奋剂
  • 1. "It was like the energizer Bunny had some batteries put in, " Glass said.


  • 2. At first the idea of going from coach potato to energizer bunny may seem impossible, but with determination and help from others you'll be surprised how fast the transformation will occur.


  • 3. Model-C design, with an energizer O-ring beneath the seat-carrier, enables the valve to automatically adjust for seat wear.


  • energizer (n.) 1750, agent noun from energize.
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