- An emporium is a large store that sells a variety of merchandise. You can call a department store, with its many different departments, an emporium.
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- n. 商场,大百货商店;商业中心
1. Shortly before Christmas last year, a FedEx box arrived at Blum’s salvage emporium, sent by Carbone.
2. Here in Menghai, the newly opened six-story emporium built to house hundreds of buyers and bundlers is a very lonely place.
3. If you took this to its logical conclusion, of course, we’d all be doing our car buying at Ed’s Used Monster Truck and Big Rig emporium.
- emporium (n.) 1580s, "place of trade, mart," from Latin emporium, from Greek emporion "trading place, market," from emporos "merchant," originally "traveler," from assimilated form of en "in" (see en- (2)) + poros "passage, voyage," related to peirein "to pass through," from PIE root *per-(2) "to lead, pass over."
em·por·ium / emˈpɔːriəm ; NAmE emˈpɔːriəm / noun ( plural em·por·iums or em·poria / emˈpɔːriə ; NAmE emˈpɔːriə / ) 1 ( old-fashioned) a large shop/store 大百货商店;大型商场 2 a shop/store that sells a particular type of goods 专门店 ◆ an arts and crafts emporium 工艺品商店 emporium emporia emporiums em·por·ium / emˈpɔːriəm ; NAmE emˈpɔːriəm / em·poria / emˈpɔːriə ; NAmE emˈpɔːriə /
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