eldest 英 [ˈeldɪst]   美 [ˈɛldɪst]


eldest  英 [ˈeldɪst] 美 [ˈɛldɪst]

adj. 最年长的;年事最高的(old的最高级)  n. 最年长者 


Under the Spanish constitution, the eldest male automatically succeeds, even if he has an older sister. 根据西班牙现行宪法,最年长的男性自动继承王位,即使他有一位姐姐。
Despite being the eldest in my generation of brothers and cousins, I was now officially the only one without babies. 尽管我是我的兄弟及堂兄妹等,同辈人里最年长的,我却是正儿八经地唯一一个没有小孩的人。

  • Someone who's described as eldest in their family was born first. Your eldest sister is the oldest one.
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  • adj. 最年长的;年事最高的(old的最高级)
  • n. 最年长者
  • 1. Under the Spanish constitution, the eldest male automatically succeeds, even if he has an older sister.


  • 2. Despite being the eldest in my generation of brothers and cousins, I was now officially the only one without babies.


  • 3. If only he were the eldest.


  • eldest (adj.) Old English (Mercian) eldrost "most advanced in age, that was born first," superlative of eald, ald "old" (see old). Superseded by oldest since 16c. Compare elder (adj.).
eld·est / ˈeldɪst ; NAmE ˈeldɪst / adjective 1 (of people, especially of three or more members of the same family 指人,尤指同一家庭里三个或以上成员 ) oldest 年龄最大的 Tom is my eldest son. 汤姆是我的长子。 2 the eldest used without a noun immediately after it to show who is the oldest of three or more people (后面不紧跟名词,指三个或以上的人中)年龄最大的人 the eldest of their three children 他们的三个子女中最大的那个 note at old eld·est / ˈeldɪst ; NAmE ˈeldɪst /
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