


abbr. 电休克疗法;电惊厥疗法(electroconvulsive therapy) 

How much of that is attributable to the ECT and how much to an all-too-brief weekend with friends, I don’t know. 这其中有多少归咎于ECT的治疗,又有多少得益于与朋友们欢度的短暂周末,我也说不上来。
The possibility of long-lasting memory problems, although a concern in the past, has been significantly reduced with modern ECT techniques. 长期记忆可能受损的问题虽然是过去的一个关注点,但如今ECT技术已经显著克服了这个难点。

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  • abbr. 电休克疗法;电惊厥疗法(electroconvulsive therapy)
  • 1. How much of that is attributable to the ECT and how much to an all-too-brief weekend with friends, I don’t know.


  • 2. The possibility of long-lasting memory problems, although a concern in the past, has been significantly reduced with modern ECT techniques.


  • 3. Although some patients will need only a few courses of ECT, others may need maintenance ECT, usually once a week at first, then gradually decreasing to monthly treatments for up to one year.

    虽然一些患者仅需要一些疗程的ECT,而另一些则需要持续ECT。 他们通常以一周一次开始,然后逐渐减少到每月一次坚持一年。

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