eavesdropping   美 ['ivz,drɑpɪŋ]


eavesdropping  美 ['ivz,drɑpɪŋ]

n. 偷听;窃取  v. 窃听;偷听(eavesdrop的ing形式) 


You can encrypt network data on specific ports to prevent network eavesdropping with a network protocol analyzer. 您可以在特定端口上加密网络数据,以避免网络协议分析者进行网络窃听。
It includes not only physical trespass into another’s private space but also eavesdropping, tape recording, or otherwise intercepting private conversations without permission. 它不仅包括实际侵入他人的私人空间,也包括偷听、录音(像)或以其他方式不经允许地截听私人谈话。

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  • n. 偷听;窃取
  • v. 窃听;偷听(eavesdrop的ing形式)
  • 1. You can encrypt network data on specific ports to prevent network eavesdropping with a network protocol analyzer.


  • 2. It includes not only physical trespass into another’s private space but also eavesdropping, tape recording, or otherwise intercepting private conversations without permission.


  • 3. Suddenly, one of the kids noticed me eavesdropping and smiling.


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