e.g. 英 [ˌi: ˈdʒi:]  


e.g.  英 [ˌi: ˈdʒi:]

adv. 举例来说(等于for example) 

You can tell yourself anything, my advice is to always say it in an active form e.g. I am, I have. 你可以告诉自我任何东西,我的建议是说的时候用一些更主动的形式,例如用我是、我有来替代我会、我希望。
If you have an interactive element on the page, use (simple) language that tells the user how to engage the tool (e.g. 如果你有一个互动的页面,请使用简单的文字告诉用户如何使用这个工具(如“开始!” 、“马上行动!”)

  • The abbreviation e.g. is short for the Latin phrase "exempli gratia," which in English means for example. If you enjoy tropical vacations (e.g. trips to the Caribbean or Mexico), you might want to consider Hawaii.
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  • adv. 举例来说(等于for example)
  • 1. You can tell yourself anything, my advice is to always say it in an active form e.g. I am, I have.


  • 2. If you have an interactive element on the page, use (simple) language that tells the user how to engage the tool (e.g.

    如果你有一个互动的页面,请使用简单的文字告诉用户如何使用这个工具(如“开始!” 、“马上行动!”)

  • 3. If more than one branch executes at once, e.g., if the model contains some parallelism, the stop node always terminates all parallel branches.


  • e.g. 1680s, abbreviation of Latin exempli gratia "for the sake of example."
e.g. / ˌiː ˈdʒiː ; NAmE ˌiː ˈdʒiː / abbreviation for example(from Latin exempli gratia ) 例如(源自拉丁文 exempli gratia) popular pets, e.g. cats and dogs 人们喜爱的宠物,如猫和狗 LANGUAGE BANK 用语库 e.g. Giving examples 举例 The website has a variety of interactive exercises ( e.g.matching games, crosswords and quizzes). 这个网站有各种各样的互动练习(比如:配对游戏、纵横填字游戏和智力测试)。 The website has a variety of interactive exercises, includingmatching games, crosswords and quizzes. 这个网站有各种各样的互动练习,包括配对游戏、纵横填字游戏和智力测试。 Web 2.0 technologies, such aswikis, blogs and social networking sites, have changed the way that people use the Internet. *Web 2.0 技术,比如维基、博客及社交网站,改变了人们使用互联网的方式。 Many websites now allow users to contribute information. A good example of this isthe ‘wiki’, a type of website that anyone can edit. 现在许多网站都允许用户撰写信息。维基就是一个很好的例子,它是一种任何人都可以编辑的网站。 Wikis vary in how open they are. For example,some wikis allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this. 各维基网的开放程度不同。比如,有些维基网允许任何人编辑内容,另一些则只允许注册用户进行内容编辑。 Wikis vary in how open they are. Some wikis, for example/ for instance,allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this. 各维基网的开放程度不同。比如,有些维基网允许任何人编辑内容,另一些则只允许注册用户进行内容编辑。 More and more people read their news on the Internet. To take one example,over 14 million people now read the online version of ‘The Oxford Herald’. 越来越多的人在网上阅读新闻。举个例子来说,现在有超过 1 400 万人阅读《牛津先驱报》的网络版本。 Online newspapers are now more popular than paper ones. ‘The Oxford Herald’ is a case in point.Its print circulation has fallen in recent years, while its website attracts millions of users every month. 现在,网络报纸比纸质报纸更受欢迎。《牛津先驱报》就是一个很好的例子。近年来,其印刷版发行量趋于减少,但其网站每个月却吸引上千万的用户。 ➱ note at example ➱ Language Banks at addition, argue, evidence, illustrate e.g. / ˌiː ˈdʒiː ; NAmE ˌiː ˈdʒiː /
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